Monday, January 2, 2012

Just like that..

Random thoughts keep flooding my mind, Always Just Like That.   :)

Days become longer , darkness shorter.
Nights are sleepless & still I feel afresh.
It is sometimes great to think nonsense. 
Afterall its just me alone in my world.
My plush life of abundance.
What harm can it do. 
To Think through, Just Like That.

When flying high in the sky.
You switch seats to get a view.
And are in awe of An Artist you call Nature.
Painting clouds orange, white, blue and bright.
Imagining these clusters as Flocks of birds & far of Palaces.
Watching sea of clouds turn to a Polar bear.
What harm can it do.
To Glide In, Just Like that.

On a jam packed road.
Seated in your car at ease.
Your favorite song comes by.
Humming it with restrain.
Tapping your feet & clapping silently.
Shaking your head shyly, you look around.
What harm can it do.
To Sing Loud, Just Like That.

Being alone in thoughts is not being lonely.
When solitude brings more meaning.
When in a crowd you have no one to talk to.
You hear your voice assuring you,
"Why bother I am here, with you"
Still an unknown face catches your attention.
What harm can it do.
To Smile Back, Just Like That.

A time when your love hurts you bad.
Tears bring pleasure not sorrows.
Tired of the grim mood you are in.
You peered into the adorable guilty face.
In an instant your affection melts you.
You are healed and become weak.
What harm can it do.
To Forgive Him, Just Like That.

In your complicated life.
Noticing that love again came by.
You stop, smile and wink.
Wonderful outsider beams & it clicks.
To start to build your magical adobe.
Later see him turn cold, dejected again.
What harm can it do.
To Speak Out, Just Like That.

On a hostile winter rainy night.
Out for a stroll in the mist.
You disregard a tiny cranky pup twice.
Selfish, You cared not, but thought once.
Years later you cared more and thought not.
You went home to get food & showed love.
What harm can it do.
To Do Good, Just Like That.

To gaze at the limitless sea, surge.
Into Highs, Lows and Numbs.
Your heart's filled with endless emotions.
With joy, gratitude and pain.
Unaware you wander, salty waters roll down your eye.
And people watch, but should you care.
What harm can it do.
To Walk On, Just Like That.

Trudging an uphill is tough.
The heavy weight breaks you apart.
When risks seem unwise.
Your gut tells you to lie- low.
Rest for a while, its good.
Your will is strained, you sneak out.
What harm can it do.
To Give Up, Just Like That.

On your Judgement Day.
You tremble not.
The Voice Commands
"Why you lived on, Just Like That."
Will You say, I Regret Not.
Yes you will.

You Thought Through
To Glide In
You Sang Loud 
And Smiled Back
You Forgave Him
But Spoke Out
You Did Good
Still Walked On
Not Gave Up.

PS- We are what choices we make, In the End Regret Not.
Life is lived, Just Like That. 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful thought Shuchi..and very well put. Love it, just like that :)

Mehak said...

Beautiful thought Shuchi. Very elaborately put. We are defined by what choices we make in life, and the doors we choose to walk through and those that we choose to close behind us...

Loved it, Just like that <3 :)

Sanchita Johri ( Simi ) said...

Awesome :)

Sanchita Johri ( Simi ) said...

Awesome :)

Anand said...

Liked the lines-

"You stop, smile and wink.
Wonderful outsider beams & it clicks.
To start to build your magical adobe."

Anonymous said...

Wow! Beautiful. I've realised that strange things happen in life and it's difficult time like that you understand yourself and people around you completely. Yes, i've made mistakes in life, Yes, i've judged them wrong, Yes, i've been guilty of a lot of things in life. But when the judgement day would come, I certainly won't regret!