Friday, December 6, 2013

If all life was a Fairy Tale

Once upon a time...happily ever after.

If all life was a Fairy Tale , we would slog at workplace and get a Magic broom/ treasure the next day. 
Ever wondered how different life could have been had there been our fairy tale where we are the happily ever after with smiles in a chariot hiding away behind the heavenly clouds. Whooosh..just in dreams.

We are all a part of a Wonderland , its just we are not The Alice of it. We get into troubles and struggle but have to be our own hero, our own sole savior. The more heroic ones, are the more famous ones today.

We all can make our fair-y world but today it all comes at a cost. At the cost of mental health and happiness Something common to all magical tales was BELIEF- an undying faith of triumph of good over evil. Of course, the tragedy is both these terms "good" & "evil" have become supremely subjective.

However the magic is self belief and it does wonders. The famous rabbit & tortoise story, we know a third person narrative of it. What was the tortoise thinking??In tortoise's head it would have been just pure intent of being better than what he can be. It would have been to challenge the expected & raise the bar. It was apparently challenging what he thought his potential was.

We can create our perfect worlds, fight all odds without being evil or unjust with anyone, if and only if we are just trying to better ourselves than our yester-self. It is very easy to choose a convenient path to fulfill short term goals, but in the long run earnest intentions and efforts always reap positive results.

Life in a fairy tale and in today's life, is still all a game of choices. In those stories there was immense selflessness in the choices made, hence the outcomes were more like a miracle. Today, none of those miracles happen because all paths taken lead to a personal gain. Thus , there is wealth but no peace, there are smiles but no happiness. In everything there is a ME which is bigger than all relationships and all associations.

Miracles did happen then and even now, we just need to be worthy of it.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Bubble Wrap

Ever opened something "Bubble Wrapped"

You can keep guessing what's behind the wraps. Transcending all barriers of region, religion & age everyone  starts to mentally unwrap the object placed in between their hands. None can stop guessing. Indeed mankind becomes truly ambidextrous right at that moment.

What's inside has the power to either zap you out or leave you grumbling. Nonetheless enthusiasm ceases not.

Just keep guessing till your fingers nimbly hover around the contour lines while bubbles make an unsettling sound.You can just get a hint of vague colors dampened by the shiny translucent surface. A bubble wrap is an aberration from traditionally wrapped gifts. Is'nt it something more? Its like a surprise freebie while you already have availed a discount. Its a boundary scored on a wide ball.

Then there is a joy of preserving the bubble wrap while looking at the object inside with absolute wonder. The gleaming eyes can hide even the disappointment if the gift is disliked however the joy of minimum damage to the pristine Bubble Wrap is extraordinary & unique. A whooper bumper feeling if its a heads up for the gift as well as its second skin. Now get on and burst the bubbles. Enjoy till it lasts. Unravel the life wrapped behind these bubbles.

There are many small air pockets wrapped which will give you that extra oxygen while you protect your fragile or strong self from many realities of life. Preserve happiness in such small moments & soon life will be full of insignificant wonderful experiences which will bring a smile always. The small nothings in life which add a tinge of surprise to each significant but mundane day.

My Bubble Wrap story ..wrapped up. Stay Bubbly.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Its Time..

What's the time?? Is it time??
Our whole life revolves around time. 

For the person with alot of success & even someone with no money..Time can stand still..Stand frozen. A moment and if you may allow it, there would be no ticking..Nothing at all. 
Does that mean that we can live longer, cherish some treasured moments, be young forever or be rich forever. Steal someone's time if we can actually manage to freeze it??

No, not at all, it just means, lets just get new batteries in our wrist, table and wall clocks. 
Haha..There is nothing frozen in time, its all aging ..sometimes gracefully and often consciously.

Look at us, just like that wall clock hanging and ticking but not actually moving. Ever seen that moment. 
A moment when we are alive but not living. Of course, is it not everyday? Is it not what an ordinary day looks like? Stuck and ticking ..but not moving. That's a peculiar situation. Sometimes we break out and sometimes we give in. And mind you, its not a conscious decision, because we do not feel stuck. We are good without change. We like being "frozen in time" , a strange comfortable situation. I have seemed to enjoy it. Its just zero discomfort.

It so always happens, that we never might actually realize that the machine ticking on the wall is just static unless told. We hear the sound, but do we realize its stuck?Or if we are a keen observer , we just can realize either after cross checking or post losing out on some precious time . 

Well nowadays, we also refer to mobiles and laptops for time. Alas , the age old mechanism of time reference and keeping a check on time have also undergone a huge change. Always loved those large wall clocks they made time look so mammoth and ever so important. Unlike the time in small machines, which are mobile..they somehow ridicule time.

Times change but time does not unless we want it to.

Its time, to give our best shot and make sure we never run out of batteries and keep that spirit of ticking ..just  ticking. Go on and change your time. Adjust it and stop to think over before it stops ticking.

Tick Tock.Tick Tock...its your time.