Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Fall

Just sitting there in her room her eyes were fixed on someone
Was she hallucinating?
She saw a pretty woman almost gone half crazy & sobbing
There in a corner which was dimly lit 
 With her hazy vision, She saw a silhouette covered in helpless cries
“Why this plight, look at me” she pleaded, while gazing towards that corner
Her words did not seem to create any stir
The corner seemed too distant, “Can I reach her?”

She sprung up from her chair & got restless
Tried hard to get to her, the shapeless silhouette took form
She could identify those sobs , the darkness & color of that emotion
The dullness which engulfs and consumes us
Alas. A mirror never lies.

She could see her, Herself.
Life hadn’t been as easy for her
Some wrong turns and it led to a cliff at the edge of a sea
Alone and not in a beloved company.
A convincing moment where its not a weakness to let go
But it’s the strength to not hold on
Just right there, she is here everyday, each moment.

She wasn’t as strong then but could she stop today
Stop herself from not falling, what was at stake?
Today there was nothing .
Incessantly she had been searching for herself
In a flash, she had completely lost herself
Untied now, Slipping away
It was a free fall, her final fall

PS- No reason can ever justify giving up your own life. It is a fall. 

1 comment:

Neerja said...

Lovely.deep thoughts.I like it.keep it up.