Sunday, December 16, 2007


Temptations are magnetic
Mortals enticed by design
Too vulnerable, too feeble
Adams and Eves still alive.

I was the devil’s advocate
I fancied straying,
Eagerly waiting to fall
I still smirk when I recall.

A wanton want crippled me
Into a futile sham it turned
My modest ego recklessly stifled
But saved from eternal damnation.

The deafening shrieks and shouts
Tears and blood in bouts,
I witnessed the pain
I was the slayer and the slain.

I was the undisputed winner
Undoubtedly the loser too.
As I won, I lost what I desired
Alas! The desirable was worth losing to.

The irony, desire never died
The will to possess still alive
Chaos and utter mayhem
A battle for good that was won.

I tremble, fetch and mourn
My last wish-you to own
I fret, the loss was too dear
I wish myself to be seared.

For my soul to survive
My mortal desires ought to die
I will burn and dissolve
Waiting for devil’s call.

I am dead, I am alive
With tears and with smiles.
It is difficult to rejoice
When a part of you dies.

But stay and listen
The bellowing dead souls
The shrieks get louder
As dead desires, I invoke.

The congregation of dead soul tells
“Desires on you would eternally dwell
Win, tame and possess them: if you can
But never be the lost enticed soul in their clan.”

Temptations lure and cripple us
They chain their masters to slaves,
Masters traded to stimulate dead desires
Struggling to be unchained but in vain.

My fall was but to rise.
I will be free, I will see the open sky,
My dreams, aspirations and ambitions
Will paint and fill the sky.

I am unchained,I have tamed thee.

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