I heard so much of hoopla around a Noble man Anna Hazare going on hunger strike to fight for the people of this Democratic India.
Trigger- Recent scams & money laundering with government silently pushing the dirt under the Great Indian Carpet. I feel its a waste to fight for the Indian Public. We are all equally spineless and are living a life of sheer convenience where we do not mind paying extra for luxuries, paying extra for education even paying extra for love. Of course all in purely ILLEGAL SENSE.
The reality is we are an adulterated lot - Mind, Body & Soul. The voice raised against the Corrupt leaders is not going to solve anything. Prosecuting them will not stop corruption.
What is CORRUPTION?? Cor·rup·tion [kuh-ruhp-shuhn] –noun
1. the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt.
2. moral perversion; depravity.
3. perversion of integrity.
4. corrupt or dishonest proceedings.
5. bribery.
6. debasement or alteration, as of language or a text.
7. a debased form of a word.
8. putrefactive decay; rottenness.
9. any corrupting influence or agency
Look closely, everyday in our lives we see one or the other form of corruption. From Education, Industries, Hospitality, Services to Sports and even Poverty corruption has seeped into our blood.
I am supposed to respect the ways of BIG CORPORATES. Watch them prosper by seeing the amount of Lobbying and money power used to grow their business illegally. And why?? They would generate employment. If building money in India was this easy we would have had a multi-millionaire in every 10 metres distance.
We want to Buy a Darshan to Vaishnodevi. VVIP darshan?? What is happening in this country?? It is a hopeless lot. The honest are beaten when they file an RTI. False cases, allegations & below standard mentality is ruling every heart of India.
When we won the World Cup, cricketers were given Crores of money, What about other athletes who won medals in Common Wealth?? Just mere Lakhs!!! Why this disparity? Why this discrimination?? Is this not the responsibility of the state not to encourage inequality and promote all sports. Why give cricketers flats & lands? Is it actually recognition of their achievement or an act to please & appease. And is this not public's money?? Are we being asked where we want this to be spent??
Many times in life, we compromise by accepting the flouted norms. We are scared that if we do not give in to the system, system will throw us out. We go with the Dirty Flow, pollute our soul & kill our conscience. For a nursery admission, Govt makes some point system and schools do not honor them. Is there anyone to listen & take an action?? NOOOOO Right to education is merely a sham.In the name of education, it is a money laundering process. It is a Vicious Circle.
The name of the Game is POM. Its core ingredients are POWER, OBLIGATION & MONEY. Politicians accept monies and power of corporates throughout the year.
What corruption does??
It kills all the means of opportunities. Its a facade to hide development, to transform thinking rationally to illogical opinions. We are not now corrupt by actions but A NATION CORRUPTED AT HEART & THOUGHT. Corruption takes away the POWER TO THINK & OBLIGES US TO ACCEPT MONEY LATER OBLIGING US FURTHER TO RETURN A FAVOR.
To get critical decision sanctioned by Govt, Corporates oblige them. From Press to Media whatever we see as objective is nothing but opinionated & judgemental piece of news.Our school text books are colored with political undertones.
If you are in the forest only the Wild survive not the fittest. Animals who work on instincts are interested in creating controversies rather than policies. Oops Not a forest but a zoo. from what we eat to wear to think and act is CONTROLLED.
Till the time a ANNA HAZARE is'nt pointing towards us, he is one of Us. Else like Gandhi he will also find rivals. Whoever still thinks we are a Democracy??
We are too many wrongs together making it right. The might of a state/caste seeking reservations for totally undeserving people. Why should anyone have any right to destroy public properties, halt Indian Railways, stop traffic on roads to raise voice for something they do not even deserve an inch.
We fight all our lives for an Opportunity . An opportunity to be heard, understood & recognized Professionally or in Life. When Abraham Lincoln thought of Democracy OF, BY & FOR the People, he was never wrong.
Democracy is what the citizens make it.
Corruption is not what an ANNA HAZARE can eliminate alone. Corruption is a monster which is now bigger than OUR COMBINED WILL & ACTION. India is in its final stage of decay. We have transgressed all forms of corruption.
Majority of India is not propagating corruption, but as a breed we are silent and mute. We are attached to our families to an extent that we only think about them. Property is cars, houses, assets and not knowledge & goodness.
There are deserving, noble men & women who will glitter amongst fake jewels. Unfortunately, in life wrong stones make it to the crown & real gems often remain unknown. It is not a time to be jealous, there are blessed individuals who descend to make a difference, who are beyond any hunger for recognition. Those for whom life is not about them & their achievements but a thirst to think beyond themselves.
AND A DISCOVERY or AN INVENTION?? We all have that person inside of us. If we are not monsters, we are slaves. Corruption has killed the ANGEL in us.
Else Corruption will corrupt Minds OF people, BY our Actions and For our Generations to come.
AS NEHRU SAID, " At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance." It will hold true again.
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