How do we understand the extent of madness present in these maniacs. Well i will not shy away from commenting and going ahead to curse terrorists who to me are the biggest cowards. People who do not want to discuss their issues in a civilized manner. Poeple who do not want to be undrstood and only create fear & disgust in fellow humans.
It is very horrifying that Safety and Life which are dearest to us, are in danger perpetually at every moment. India & the major cities are becoming more of a HUB of ATTACKS rather than being Land of Opportunities. First Delhi, North Eastern Blasts and now MUMBAI...the list seems unending and the situation going out of control.
Safety anywhere is becoming a threat. Loss of property in India is very common, now thanks to THE DIVINE TERRORISTS shootouts and deaths will become common as well. I think Terrorists are the modern Demi Gods (Literally). They have all the wrath and have the power to decide who lives and who dies. Wow...seems like a Fun life.
It reminds me of games i used to play as a Kid. Chor Police and Mafia Don where it was so easy to kill the enemy..but it was all so much its a torcher. Shrieks and cries and eyes full of fear on literally every news channel on the TV, radio or internet. Yes we are at the verge of a new EPIDEMIC which is contagious and deadly its called Terrorism.
Places like The TAJ, Trident...were these not safe per say. The most coveted places to stay in Mumbai seem to be so lax in terms of security. India is like a Lazy Boxer. We have the strength and might to deal with such creepy sick human beings but we do not want to make the efforts and are on the go to please the Lobby of developed countries.
When the maniacs are let free and ruin the public peace, why not like America goto their HUB and punish them & disgrace them. When it comes to Terrorism there is NO right way of dealing with them. Its a DO or DIE. Either we kill them or be killed ourselves. We are a peace loving Nation, We do not like violence...but when it comes to the safety of the citizens the government should step in and take stern action.
Otherwise the Tolearance wil reach a point where each of us will carry a weapon and would not hesitate to set a maniac right. If all terrorists want to die for the cause of Jehad, lets give them the 2nd best option, DEATH. After all who got what they wanted the most. Hahaha....
*Sorry for hurting the feelings of anyone who are touchy about the issue. We have the Right to Speech and Expression. Post your comments. :)
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