Saturday, October 6, 2007


Rightly said nothing lasts forever- Love, hate, peace, terror, friendship and enmity all are situational catalysts. The only common string that joins them is memory. We reminisce. Our past is full of mixed emotions. No happiness lasts forever and no sadness ever seems bearable. Tears flow and are wasted. The realization dawns later that no tear can ever explicate the grief that tears the heart into pieces. A recall some months down the line elucidates the fact that nothing is worth the Trauma. We move on, we progress and leave the people in the wake of Happiness. Sometimes we let others move on without being selfish for their good and many a times we disappear because we are selfish and want to search for our own hinterland.

The case remains why it pains when a bad memory confronts us. In the wake of becoming stronger, we escape and live vicariously. All of us are scared of the reality. Reality is the truth that is bitter and far from idealistic state of affairs. Accepting the truth and honestly taking the blame for our misdemeanors is a tough ask. Acceptance becomes tough because we lack the conviction and doubt our ability to withstand the sight of the ruins. The real cause of the agony always remains a mystery. The factors causing the worry can be internal or external but results in either self-pity or a make-belief superiority complex. The “wise” individuals go through a tedious process, moments in deep reverie, dissonance, finally attain Unison.

Ironically, very few Homo sapiens ever learn from these thoughtful sessions. We commit the same mistakes still living in the illusion that “then was a bad time and bad luck”. Only thing we forget that luck only favors the prepared mind. We have to learn and believe in ourselves. We should have a firm faith that we will be penalized if we are irrational. Alas, we live on the belief that good will happen if we remain good.

The crux of our existence is hope and faith. These are the two pillars of our survival. Ironically, we cling to these in the times of trouble thinking of them as life-supports but in reality, they are the toxic gases. Faith and hope make a perfect human romantic and impractical. We expect miracles to happen, become starry-eyed. Countless times life brings us to our feet, we plead, in dissonance, in deep reverie losing unity with self. We aimed at being a realist and on the contrary, we become Cynics. When we reach a certain height of cynicism, we are most vulnerable and gullible. Closed to all who are aliens we are happy in our own shells. Happy… but in weak moments, we let someone pierce the shell. We cling on to the fatal pillars that made us weak and cold.

We can never become cynics in the true sense of the word. We all crave for love, companionship and happiness. Memories, faith and hope make us frail only when we wish to become so. These human emotions should give us a sense of security and strength to withstand hardships of life. This is how we learn to take things in our stride. We need to define the purpose of our existence and take up our calling in life. All our memories have a meaning, all hopes have strength to turn into reality and there is faith that reality is what we deserve at that moment of time.

We question and speculate the validity of outcomes to realize much later all does happen for the best. We hope for better than the best to occur to us. We become impulsive and unreasonable, demanding momentary joys that never traverse in the pathways of our memory. Instantaneous joys often are better than reality; something that we say is too good to be true. Hence its not meant to be…its not reality. Such moments always make us weak, wobbly and uneasy, something we would not cherish. In short, a negation of memory. Impulsive and short-lived emotions neither give us hope nor re-instill our faith. When such emotions commute the lanes of our Tinsel Memory Town darkness and pollution suffocate us through many Cynical gases. We understand the crux of every emotion. This understanding comes truly with age, time and experience. We can be Cynics, Realists or just follow a religion called Pragmatism.

What we call as a generation gap is nothing but shift of perspective. My Hopes, My memories and My faith make me what I choose to be. I wish to become a CYNICALLY REAL PRAGMATIST. Alas still dreaming like an IDEALIST. That is the only IRONY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now thats some thoughts girl

But thats the way human machinery works
Think Demand and when you have it Demand more . most of us think on the same spectrum and even after the pain and suffering from our actions or the from the actions of people around us we still love to cocoon ourselves in a dream that has no ending . It just like a maze, it is easy to get into it but very very difficult if you wanna step out of it

But whatever is the case
Thats a deficency we have . We like to live in a paradise that we weave around ourselves

In your words dear

All of us are scared of the reality. Reality is the truth that is bitter and far from idealistic state of affairs