Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mujhe Kya Bechega Rupaiyaa

I was watching Satyamev jayate the other day. It was about how dowry is involved during marriages and how this has spoilt so many lives.In the name of marriage everyone including the bride, their relatives and families are ready to scale up to any heights of nonsense to massage the ego of the other party.

Social stigma is another evil which has ruined lives of many who have a girl child or a young lady being pushed towards marriage.This institution of marriage and the commoditization of women in this process has spread itself so wide that most of what was unreasonable once has become an acceptable norm of the transaction of Marriage Market.

The issue of all crime related to women finds its roots in no other custom but in Business of Marriage.
The cementing of a relationship is based on sacrifices and worries of all parents as soon as they hold a newly born baby girl in their hands.Even in most forward subsets of the society there is an inkling in the heart that she would leave us one day and go.This process of giving security to young women eats away all resources and gives sleepless nights to all her guardians.

Issues like Female Foeticide , child marriage, domestication, illiteracy , rape , social dependence, eve teasing are issues which are all related to attitude of the society. 
The attitude which is eating up all the confidence in this pseudo freedom given to girls in the name of Modernism and forward thinking.The time a girl child is born there are alot of restrictions to the mind. Today very successful women are said to be too career minded and have disjoint families.
Its not as much a shame to rape than be the victim to be raped. A woman's identity is kept under wraps after any such incident.

The root needs to be removed once and for all. Give a woman the right not to be commoditized. Her free will to marry or not and when , whom and how to marry.Social norms should change to cashless and foodless weddings, gatherings only to serve snacks and mocktails and expenses to borne by bride and groom , not their families.

This can remove the stigma of girl being a liability. She will spend what she earns. Should support parents. 
Instead of worrying in what would be the expenditure on her wedding, parents can think on more profitable line as how much can she study and what would that cost.This would reduce unwanted killings in the womb. Once women get that confidence to reject and accept what they want, rights will not be asked but automatically given.
She is not a mere asset that needs to be saved and kept scratchfree  till the wedding and handover. 

She is a diamond, the more she sees life , the stronger she becomes and more she shines.
She is not to be bought by money, but won by love.

Respect women and respect their choices.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One Day, Some Day

The gentle breeze ruffled and unsettled drooping trees warmly. It was some perfect evening which seemed warm and not unpleasant. Sounds of blaring horns muted by playful quirky kids. Chirpy birds flew by unnoticed spreading coziness within her heart. The slight humidity of the evening added a dash of sweetness.
When she looked around, it was chilly cold but still there was a subtle rush on her cheeks. Her tender fingers clasped each other in sheer assuring nervousness.

A Day when it did not matter how fast time runs because her heartbeats skipped once every single minute. This inconsistency of her pulse was in its own way very consistent. She could feel the moment, she could keep time, she could stay frozen in this era. This hour she measured was no less than a quarter of a century for her.

She indeed waited not for years, not for months not even for weeks. Not literally. It was a matter just of somedays. The days which had gone by like silk from the softest hands. This was not exactly the way she expected it, but this was beyond expectations. She never did bind her mind , never did condition it. Else it would have brought some hovering thoughts on ' how would that be'.

Some day, one day she knew this would happen. It seemed so right, it seemed so quiet, utterly soothing.
The moment seemed almost Deadly and complete. She looked around, the whole world was alien to her except this loving voice, these ardent eyes settled on her and the firm hands touched her gently. This was not a dream, she broke the silence extended her hand towards his face and replied:

 "Yes I do, I Love you too"

The shortest affair and the longest Love Story followed. This was their DAY OF LOVE.
One Day, Some Day you will have your perfect day with your Perfect Partner.
Till then , keep up the good work. ;)