Friday, November 30, 2007


As a cherub, I saw light of the day
Tender hands & dazzling smiles
Those eyes I cannot forget
Alas! That touch I can no longer sense.

Those tapping fingers & infinite jingles
Lovable-adorable tone
To tempt me for an afternoon doze
Frantically I long for those moments.

The loss of someone so dear
Makes me one less a person
A presence that was omnipotent
Now an empty vacuum surrounds me.

Life lost in a blink
Life sealed as memory in ink
All I have is fond recollection
All smiles and tears abandon me now.

You saw me through as a toddler & a teen
All the spats & rows seem worth it now
As your jewel tinkers crimson-cherry
I miss the joy & bliss you would feel.

I pledge to value every passing second
I assure never to let my shine lessen and die
Till I cease to exist as a memory
You will live & breathe in my soul eternally.

Dadaji-May God Bless Your Soul.